Frequently asked questions
How long will the nutrients last, and where can I buy more?
The nutrients included in the kit will last for at least 5-6 months. You can buy extra nutrients from our store or the gardening store outside.
What's included in Botanium?
1. Botanium 2. Growing Medium 3. Nutrients
4. Power Plug 5. Quick installation guide
Do I need a growing light?
A bright window is enough, don’t use incandescent light bulbs. Use fluorescent lamps, either as light bulbs or as tubes.
LED is also good, but it’s not at all neccesary to use the red and blue ones that are called “grow lights”. White light is just fine. Make sure you get a powerful lamp - plants love to get lots of light. A LED bulb with at least 10 watts is a good start. Put it close, and let it be powered on for 12 hours per day.
What is the growing medium made of?
The growing medium is made of Light Expanded Clay Aggregate, also called LECA. It is a very porous medium that retains air as well as moisture, which makes it a great medium for roots to grow in.
How much power does it consume?
Only about 5 mW in average during a day. Since the pump is controlled by a timer, and only is active for a few minutes per day, it uses very little power.
Is it possible to change settings, such as the watering schedule?
No. The watering schedule is designed to work with all plants. The excess water is collected and reused, so the plant can never be overwatered.
Can I connect a USB power bank to power the Botanium?
It really depends. Some power banks will shut down when the consumption is less than certain threshold.
What is the life span of the growing medium? Will Botanium have an ongoing cost?
No, the growing medium basically lasts forever! However, if you have grown something and want to start over with a new seed, it is recommended to get new medium, as the roots will be very entangled in it. You can buy new growing medium on our webshop.
What maintenance is required?
There is minimal maintenance involved, but to get the best growing experience we have a few guidelines.